Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Theming]move sub icons anywhere!
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Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]but you can't do this with sub icon menu's,.. :( only the system sub menu's,.. the other sub menu's you had prob have to make icons smaller and stuff,..

So you have to resize them manually,..

Got it. ;)
OK, I got a small issue here..

I used the 6.20 fw basetop, and my XMB is now moved down to the bottom of the screen.  This is great. :D

The problem is, the X position of the xmb, it is moved way to the right.  Then when I enter a submenu, it centers itself again like it is supposed to be.  

I thought editing vshmain.prx to set the X position of XMB to "0" would fix the issue, but it didn't...   :/

Any ideas ?


OK, it seems I had to open topmenu_plugin with RCOedit and alter the x position of "T" from 160 to 0 in order for the XMB to maintain my desired X position.  

[Image: 2ag9u2x.png]

So to recap:  I had to edit XMB X position in vshmain.prx to 0, and the x poistion of "T" in topmenu_plugin to 0, to keep the X position under control  :p

Thought I should post this info for anyone else who was having trouble with it.

could be that you have used both basetop and xmenu x position's,. ;p ??

i think you have to set x xmenu and x xmb prx to 0 then start moving basetop x,. Blur
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]could be that you have used both basetop and xmenu x position's,. ;p ??

i think you have to set x xmenu and x xmb prx to 0 then start moving basetop x,. Blur

Thanks for the reply V1  Madwin

I think I have the issue sorted now.  (posted explanation in my post above for those interested)
Yah i think xmenu is now T,.. sony is randomly changing names,..
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