Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [FAKE Releases] 5.55 TXM
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I have just found another probably fake firmware


Time will tell...but of course, 99.99999999^9999999999% fake :(
damn! I hope wee get a real CFW 5.55 soon or if 6.00 is released tomorrow like it's rumored to be perhaps wee'll see a CFW 6.00M33 or GEN :) I really want to play Disgaea 2 and Motorstorm. and they both require 5.55.. :(
SchmilK Wrote:I have just found another probably fake firmware


Time will tell...but of course, 99.99999999^9999999999% fake :(

fake firmware checklist:

indecipherable readme in bad foreign language/english translation? check
random, never-before-seen psp modding team name? check
New firmware number listing a firmware that hasn't been fully ported by a real cfw? check
posted first on an obscure location or a site like megaupload/blogspot? check
promises of future updates? check

any questions?
I remember the days when every random kid would claim they made a downgrader for this and that...  People don't seem to be so sceptical these days :P

Someone should announce a 5.55FE (fake edition).
Lulz, that would just be corny. With a capital "K".
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