Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [sig]transformers
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Pages: 1 2
this is my new sig you can rate and leave comments thanks..

[Image: transformers.png]
something tells me you tried a tut.

On the other hand the text is awful, the top brush layers are awful, the white light is awful.....

but the render and border is nice so,,,,,

good effort.
huh why does everyone say that i don't use tuts...i try to learn just messing around with the brushes and smudging...huhhh
psphkkr4u15 Wrote:huh why does everyone say that i don't use tuts...i try to learn just messing around with the brushes and smudging...huhhh

Whether you did or not - the reason is because the ideas are not original, and therefore not interesting.

Maybe you SHOULD use a tutorial so you can learn how to use the tools effectively.
i like the overall sig just i don't like the font placement and color if u used a better color that stands out but fits the overall composition it would of looked alot nicer
that white light is really unpleasant.

and those random splotches of paint are as well.

other than that it's alright.
you make a LOT of sigs

im not enthused by this one. its a bit slapdash + the font style isn't good.

Make the text white. Make the brush less prominent or overlay>duplicate layer. Lower the opacity of the white splodge. Try using different brushes or no brushes at all :)
dot dot dot
Rukia Wrote:................
Pages: 1 2
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