Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
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Sparker Wrote:poo poo, I probably won't be getting my R4 back today, but hopefully I will tomorrow so meaning I might have to play on your R4.

AceKard Erk
Unita starts at level 8. Yeah, they expect you to grind =/

EDIT: And Aire starts at level 5. They want you to grind more O_o

Also the Witch of the North is kinda hard o_O
Would they want any less?
Joomla12 Wrote:Would they want any less?

Well leveling up is pretty quick at least but the random encounter rate is low so that's probably why my levels are pretty low compared to Unita >_>

Brand and Jusqua are both at level 6 =/
RPG Land have released a review.


Remember this isn't GameFAQs so 6/10 is actually GOOD not poo poo like most GameFAQs reviews seem to imply (Ugh...)
Coming out in Americaland on October five. Lets guess how many fan boys will think Final Fantasy XIII is a better game Erk

Hey cool, official website.

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