Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS3's backwards compatibility...
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Most epic bump of the day?  It just might be!
that video is using the 20 gig ps3, that emulates the cell chip in the ps2, now the 60 and 80 gig ps3s have the actual cell chip installed along with the new chip for the ps3. that's why you get the cruddy looking video when playing games. you need to find the ps3 with 80 or 60 gigs to get it to work fine. I have the ps3 with a 60 gig hdd and it plays all my older ps1 and ps2 games fine with out any issues or problems. well that's just my two cents.
backwards compatibility was removed with 40G version.
but after seeing this, im not that pissed off anymore
hey... i remember watching this vid. the crappy backwards compatibility was fixed in firmware 1.60 i think. i play my ps2 games and they look amazing with upscaler and smoothing turned on.
Why are wee continuing a dead thread?

I'm calling it, time of death: 2:48pm LAST YEAR!
i make it 8:48, but the same call on date
mmm, no, iggrull's last post was at 2:48, that's the time I'm going by.  Which post are you considering the death of the thread?
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