Endless Paradigm

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trademark91 Wrote:ok, downloads done! im off to install Debian cds 1 and 2

lol have fun Hihi
yeah, debians cool, but i can't use the make command, which sucks...
Install automake?
naw, i just downloaded and installed the developer tools...
I believe there are guides on setting up common stuff on Debian.  Anyway, you'll probably want stuff like automate, pkgconfig, gcc etc.
luckily most commands and how to set stuff up is fresh in my mind thanks to learning slackware... im sure ill eventually find a perfect distro...
im an idiot. i wasn't reading as i tried to reinstall lilo... now i changed the volume id on my xp, and lilo isn't configured, so my computers useless. full reinstall, here wee come... good bye oblivion mods :(

on the bright side, i finally decided on a distro: im going to use slackware 64-bit. i figured its cool cause if i ever need something to work for it, all the dev tools are already there so i can easily compile for my distro and use any tar.gz app, game, or tool i could ever want.
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