Endless Paradigm

Full Version: "L" button probs
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well ther's something wrong with my l button, It only happens in games it is like it's being pressed down or something and when i play like gta i can't move and i can only change the cam, in madden it only does highlight moves, and in psp filer it renames files by itself

please help! it is funny cause in pics in movies it dosent switch by itself and i tried like every cfw Hihi
do you have a UMD in the drive?  my home button would think it was pressed whenever i touched my psp with a umd in the drive...took it out and problem went away...put it back in and problem stayed gone :)  seemed some small mis allignment was jacking my circuits..
My R button wore out. Underneath the plastic button there's a little rubber dome held in with a metal clip. The clip had come lose meaning the dome wasn't being compressed properly, causing it to tear. I got hold of a replacement dome from a dead PSP and used that to fix the problem. It all works fine now. Maybe that's what's going on with yours. The clip shouldn't come undone by itself but then again, my PSP has had a pretty hard life...
never mind it just started working again lol :P for like 3 fays when i ask for help it works If
my R button stopped working - I smacked the wall with it and it worked again.
yea you should just order the l trigger part and replace it or take it out and put it back in and see if the problem goes away.
My [R] button is bit dodgy lately.
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:my R button stopped working - I smacked the wall with it and it worked again.

Nice way to fix it...?
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:my R button stopped working - I smacked the wall with it and it worked again.

Nice way to fix it...?

no not really.

but how the hell am I gonna play WIPEOUT with just the left airbrakes!?
my PSP had been dropped in sand before. the UMD drive DID NOT like that. But it still worked all the time i had it :D now i have another one. i also had a problem where the START button kept pressing itself in N+ but not in the XMB.

Usually, that's an seplugin bug.
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