Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release]!Bladerunner gameboots-{death of royboy}
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Hey guys its guru here my latest gameboots 1. death of RoyBoy from Bladerunner and 2. long intro use as you will and enjoy!
Iv included opening rcos to use 5.50/5.00-*try useing random gameboot plugin*
[Image: snap011l.png][[Image: city04.jpg]

Props out to HighboyHero as always
:idea:And im Diggin ONEDEADLYVENOM's new cintro-your going to have to tell me
how to do cintros -love them!
j:ehehe:unya8971 thanks for your support! bud.
:blush:mudbone- i love your stuff anything i do you like- you can use!
wow the look great! good job
Nice gameboots! Good work and keep it up!!Madwin
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