Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Banner Helpz....
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I'm still a noob at editing templates and shiz but I want to add this to either the top or the bottom of my forum....Kinda like an add if you will.

<a href="http://www.createmybb.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.createmybb.com/skinzone/CMBB/banners/468x60.png" alt="CreateMyBB - Easily Create Your Own MyBB Forum!" title="CreateMyBB - Easily Create Your Own MyBB Forum!" border="0" /></a>

edit the header.php or footer.php in mybb
Add it to the header template of mybb.
All right now I want to center it.

<center>CODE HERE</center>

Thank you. ^.^

I feel stupid now....
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