Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Toradora
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I'm rather surprised not to find a thread on Toradora in here so I thought I better make one.

I'm watching this with my sister and wee're on episode 19 now.... it's a great anime...... and I didn't expect this 'mood change' so to speak.............. EmoDora lol......

Still, loving the way the story is going, hope the drama don't get too severe.
meh i think the emo side is in the first part, then when you reach about 20+ episodes, you're heart will beat like a drum

and yeah it is a great series, slow start, but nice ending though, at first i thought its like any action animes, but in the end, its a cheesy love story, lol, but yeah, i recommend it for all lonely hearts there to watch this anime, lol
Toradora > Clannad for overall experience if you ask me :)
Hmmm... I dropped Toradora because I'd had enough of that stupid theme...

Maybe I'll see it now.
yeah toradora for the win!

but School Days>Toradora, lol
Just finished Toradora - absolute CLASS anime.

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