Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
~Method is confused~
shits himself in his confusion~
Method Wrote:~Method is confused~
shits himself in his confusion~

Take 12 ongoing fecal damage. Save ends.
ChrisHighwind used a plunger
...But it didn't work!
~Mr. Spot uses Blizzaga!~
~Oh no! The toilet absorbs Ice-type moves!~
* lembas uses flush.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:* ZiNgA BuRgA throws paper rolls given by PSPkiller at Toilet Demon.
Deals 8x 100 damage to toilet demon.

Damn, I thought it would do more.

When did I give rolls?

When did I give rolls?

PSPkiller you are such a soft person
Pages: 1 2
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