Endless Paradigm

Full Version: help me with RCO_Editor
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Hi everyone, Well, I have a problem with rco_editor, when i have encrusted my image, it appears with (fat) default, why?

[Image: sanstitre1hsx.jpg]

What the problem?Smokingg
what's exactly the problem?  I assume you replaced the image - does it not look right?
Hi, zinga, My problem is that when I want to make a progress bar for the menu music is its me "destroys" the image that I made.
So, you're trying to replace an image, but RCO Editor destroys the image when you try a Replace?
Can you post the image you're replacing with?

Does the image look okay on the PSP?
Well, On the PSP, the image is perfect, as I want, but on rco editor, it looks like what is cut!

Screen on RCO_Editor:

[Image: sanstitre1ugr.jpg]

Screen on PSP:

[Image: pct2000m.png]

Here's the picture:

[Image: progrtime.png]
Can you try again using this updated RCO Editor? http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...#pid224347
Indeed, his works perfectly, thank you Zinga for the help.
wow i should have tried this one when i made Lunar If takes out the blurry icons ;P
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