Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [550gen]Spiderman
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Ok I will come out and openly admit it. I was resistant to 5.50 GEN and a firm believer/user of CFW 5.00 M33.  As time went by I was reading and did my discoveries.

I decided to take the risk of GEN nd it has been worth it.  Themes are totally but I mean Totally awesome.

Just can't get dayviewer plugin working, but thanks Vegetano for the awesome theme.

I have a request...How about updating your Dragonball Z CFW 5.00 M33 theme to 5.50 GEN and I am willing to make a nice donation to the cause.  You let me know and thanks again.
Truly awesome work Vegetano1
Oh my...   I think wee have no choice but to update to gen now.
I was playing with this theme , it looks like this thing was made from sce themselves , and for sure this is the perfect theme. Thanks V1 for your hard work.
Amazing theme!
Just curious how is the backgound animation done?
Mandingo Wrote:Amazing theme!
Just curious how is the backgound animation done?

Animation can be added with a new RCO tool being developed by ZingaBurga, rcomage!
Basicly can add animation to every rco,. edit/add images>objects>animations, its still alpha and no beta release date known yet. (hopefully very soon)

glad you like the theme! :)
Is like animated gif or how is it animated?
Mandingo Wrote:Is like animated gif or how is it animated?

basicly with rcomage you will extract a xml shit,. then you be able to add image's to image tree, objects to object tree and animation's to anim tree,..

objects can refer to the same or different images and unload different animation's and also have all info about them self like position and color.

animations can loop or not and use commands like rotate, resize, move, color change,  color fade.

Image tree
objects tree
anim tree
And ZB found out this without SCE's documentation?
Mandingo Wrote:WOW!
And ZB found out this without SCE's documentation?

dunno how>? ;) but ZingaBurga did!
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