Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Cigars are alllrigghghht, just boring like feinicks said.....

I like a good blunt myself...mmmmm
I smoke Camel Crush.
That's b/c my wife smokes menthol and I smoke non-menthol.

Camel Crush are great, because they are menthol and regular all in one !!
You can smoke them as a regular, or just squeeze the filter hear a "click sound" and and it is magically a menthol  :D

With that said, I am trying to quit smoking all together, as I fear the effects it may have on my health  (and wallet).
I actually prefered Parliament lights...the recessed stiff filters felt much better than a mushy sponge filter of all the others...especially on a hot humid day!

But glass pipe is truely where it is at!
Pages: 1 2
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