for the next 59 days my PSN will be ReBooted_One, just a random For your information.
uh oh...did you get in troubles?
SchmilK Wrote:uh oh...did you get in troubles?
yeah =(
doing online stuff that NOT allowed in a COD4 game
doing something in Home
Payed A kid $20.00 bucks to hack my account & put JAP content on my US Home account =|
oh well
.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:Payed A kid $20.00 bucks to hack my account & put JAP content on my US Home account =|
oh well
oh lawd... Sony are that touchy?
its so retarded that there is not the same things for all regions :(
why does japan get all the goods?
SchmilK Wrote:its so retarded that there is not the same things for all regions :(
why does japan get all the goods?
Incidentally, Sony is situated there............. xDD
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:.:ʕΘЯg@nÊ”:.â Wrote:Payed A kid $20.00 bucks to hack my account & put JAP content on my US Home account =|
oh well
oh lawd... Sony are that touchy?
yeap it got me a 90 day account ban & a 30 day system ban. just got my system back. have about 59 more days to go tell I get my account back =(