Endless Paradigm

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The dogs woke us up at 4:30am and on the science channel is a show called The Rise of the Video Game...Ive been up watching it and its now 7am and just keeps getting better.  They just wrapped up Sam jacksons voice over in Grand Theft Auto and now looking at doom and wolfenstein regarding the birth of first person shooters :D  Oooh all te memories coming to life on tv.

by the way...i bought doom shareware for $3.95 from a local software shop when it first came out...then in order to play it better I spent $380 for a 4mb memorystick, $280 for a 486dx 100mhz overclock chip *to replace the stock 486sx 25mhz*, then another $250 for a Sound Blaster 16 with ASP processor to stimulate 3D surround sound from only 2 speakers.  Seems kinda rediculous now LOL

If you can find it, WATCH IT!  :D  Its very fun.   Now its 7am and the wife has fallen asleep.
Baahahaha they are covering "JFK Reloaded" i got that when it came out too!  LOL
Doom was awesome, though our first PC was a Pentium so it had no trouble running it.
Got the shareware from this CD (yeah wee had a 6x CD-ROM as well back then) with lots of random games.

Guessing this only shows on US TV >_>
yeah but its findable online.. ive seen it on G4 a few times.. its an interesting show
... memories...
* Kaiser remembers paying 300 bucks for a voodoo graphics card for playing quake when it came out

do anyone remember how you could only buy them in Electronics Boutique, and when you picked up a box to go to the cashier everyone would stop and snare at you xD

by the way, Wolfesteid 3D for the win
rikku can remeber using this
[Image: Apple3_300x281.jpg]

And i allso
I remeber playing lemmings way way way back on windows 3.1 and using paints that couldnt display color
Just shades cross hatched pixels to make darker or lighter effect luls
[Image: Windows_3.11_workspace.png]
So fun

And i don't remeber what they where called?
but i call them floopy disks but they used to be much larger i remeber using them aswell
link for vid if anybody has it


though i think the first game i played was kens labyrinth?

[Image: ken1.png]

kinda reminds you of that OLD windows maze screensaver thingy

zodiac games was where its from i think

along with the first duke nukem game
jazz the jackrabbit
gahh... moar awesome 2d games i can't remember :D
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