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Battle Royale Seventh. - Freestyle Signature Competition


That is the date the results of BATTLE ROYALE VI were announced.

Well over a year has past, and some have gone, some have come.

Battle Royale individualized itself from SOTW by being the only Voting-Based Competition that allowed only Freestyle Signatures (with the exception of the Task-Specific Assignments of Battle Royale VI). And now wee go back to roots.

Participate in BR:VII

To participate is quite simple, really, create a signature, any kind of signature, and send them to me via PRIVATE MESSAGE (i.e. - PM me) with the link.

As soon as participation is closed, the Voting Thread with options of everyones submissions will be setup, where the Endless Paradigm Community can openly vote for their favorite for 2 Days (can be extended to a third depending on reception).

Voting Closes, then the Results are announced.

Simple enough?

As for the prize, its the title of Battle Royale Champion

It's been won in odd and interesting, fantastic and abstract ways.

Diego has won 3, Nacos has won, Tetris has won, and RIKKU won the Sixth.

Not forgetting Zingas participation in the very first as well, along with the many people who have participated in Battle Royale for the fun of it which is just the name of this game.

If you can use Photoshop, theres no good reason not to have a bit of fun.

So, get making sigs, and GET SUBMITTING!

Reminder: Do not post them in this thread!


Entries Close, Voting Begins next Saturday!
[22nd of August]

I will post in this thread the confirmation of your submission once recieved.

~ Confirmed Entries ~
Senseito Omega

I'll enter :)
Although I don't like freestyle really....I am hopeless at choosing what to do Erk
Method Wrote:I'll enter :)
Although I don't like freestyle really....I am hopeless at choosing what to do Erk

Haha same,
I will try and come up with something.
So busy with school.
AND I am still getting used to using a mac everyday, I like the quicksilver app though.

I can't believe I won three.
plenty of time

hopefully ill think of something :D
nice to see Sensei's Battle Royals make a return

I'm definitely in :D
Im in.
cool. id like to try my hand at graphic design...
diego Wrote:Haha same,
I will try and come up with something.
So busy with work.
I am also in, by the way, I've lost all of my skills, but I'll push myself to do an entry.

I'm glad that BR Seventh is getting well recieved... should all go to plan... I won't delay on the next one.

Thanks all for participating!
Yes. I'm almost certainly in.
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