Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [550gen]ZIM animated theme
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Pages: 1 2 3
you are officially the greatest theme creator out there, I'm sure no one will disagree.

excellent work man!!!
Wow!!! Awesome theme!! Great work! How did you make the animation? Stuff like that is giving me soem inspiration to make my own theme!
Vegetano1 Wrote:
omarein Wrote:I really want to try this. unfortunately my psp always crash during upgrading... O_o...

good thing i have a pandora

i was making a pandora stick wich installs 550gen,. dc8mod!

if you want i can finish it and i will make a thread for peoples to download,. (i still looking for a small "make pandora battery tool")

its a mod,. basicly whot it does is redirecting from pandora menu to the original 550gen install in ms0:\psp\game ;p but still works fine!
That would be cool... Adore

thanks for the video... :)

I hope Zinga release his rcomage soon...
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