Endless Paradigm

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Right, I will be making threads now and then when wee can get together for S4League Meetups.

Threads for the particular DAY [through to early hours] will be made, and after that - or expiration - will be merged to the main thread to avoid chaos.

I know there are a few S4 Players here so wee'll see how it goes.
[Image: S4vor.png]
Meetup: 12th August

Here, discuss when, where, and how wee'll meetup for S4League today, and this evening in particular.

Post any screenies you might've taken, or any battle participated in.

Don't refrain from the early hours people, lets play!
Righty, I'm expecting to get online tonight right now [21:51 GMT+1]

And later probably, depending if anyone else is joining in [01:00~ GMT+1]

Let me know if your joining in.

Find me on English, Free 1 Server.
how about after they patch in Chaser?

that should be like 1ish AM MST (-7 GMT)
I'm going to be on ks4 instead...

I'll be partying with the vent people playing arcade mode and chaser
I'll be on now.
IGN: GhostofPerdition
Free Server
Stupid S4Client froze on some Christmas Item expiration........ never heard of it before - and now I can't fudging login.

Can't for a while now lol... what is it... 15 mins?
Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Chaser is like Mutant from UT2k4 where one player becomes infected with a virus (reaper by default) and all the other players try to defeat the Chaser infected player, before they get toasted first. (it seems really hard)

by the way. The Reaper Virus allows HP 'borrow'.
just finished a game...

how about wee setup a room for 1am? [2 hours from now]
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:just finished a game...

how about wee setup a room for 1am? [2 hours from now]

Hopefully the other guys will play.

By the way, will it be a locked room?
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