it haz only 300 MB of free space!! and i have only system files on it...
wat shuld i do???

Format it?
If im correct that doesn't effect the program files on it. And you could still have the files still on your HD that you deleted or whatever, or another solution is get a new HD. (Im not one of the people you should listen to too much could get you in trouble but good luck figuring out what the problem is.
I won't do anything, my technician is the one the does stuff. I just posted it because I'm worried :(
buy a new bigger heard drive
get hirens boot cd 9.8 or newer
install new drive
boot from hiren disk
use ghost in disk to disk mode and it will transfer 100% of your drive and you can remove the old one, and set the new one to boot and voila, now you have your old system along with more space.
you can then format the old one and install it as a secondary drive for storage purposes. or use the old harddrive as an extra boot drive to try other operating systems.
edit: Hey guys, I fixed the problem, I only uninstalled Adobe Reader and now I have almost 2 GB free, and the PC is way faster now :D. Thanks.
2GB isn't a whole lot of space.
Punk777E Wrote:2GB isn't a whole lot of space.
But I've got 2 HDs and the other is almost empty, so... Problem fixed!!
How big is the HDD in total?
Punk777E Wrote:Format it?
If im correct that doesn't effect the program files on it. And you could still have the files still on your HD that you deleted or whatever
formatting will erase everything in the HDD :/
Heh, I've almost filled my 1tb HDD in about 6 months. Those 2 gigs wouldn't stand a chance against my hoarding!