Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Proofreading?
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Pages: 1 2
Not really, Firefox has the red squiggly, but other than that i don't really check what I type
* Mickey checks over what he just typed
a lot..
I often spend more time actually rereading my post than actually typing it out. As if it mattered whether or not I looked like a moron on a forum... but I still believe it gives more credence to your argument if people don't think you are a moron or just someone who doesn't even give a poo poo about their image when they are debating or giving insight.  

Also, my OCD makes me a lot more attentive to punctuation and, as a result, it can sometimes be easy to get lost in the myriad of commas and semicolons that make up my posts.
Single scan over - unless effected my external items.
roberth Wrote:yeah, but i always find more errors after i hit post
Pages: 1 2
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