i like my current sig, haven't had much reason to change it.......
but something new might be good..........
i like my sig now... i thought it was clever... i guess ill make a new one in about a week.
Mine is simple don't like my avatar much though
No offense but you should be worrying about your own sigs rather than what others are making. And futuristic sigs? not many people are into that techie style.
And by the way just using this as an example this beats futuristic sigs any day.
I liek my sign!!
yeah i like also mine, even though i don't created a sig, lol
futuristic sigs ?
like what renderless :S?????
I gave those up ages ago
to meh and they are random and ugly,
Rukia Wrote:futuristic sigs ?
like what renderless :S?????
I gave those up ages ago
to meh and they are random and ugly,
own ideas I guess..