I was bumming around on Google when I stumbled upon this little beauty...It's a Linux OS written to look like the PS3 XMB. I haven't gotten to install it yet but you do have to buy an activation key to use it.
WOW! i like to see this for the PC,. i recall seing a wave screensaver before but nothing like this,.
I'm going to buy it and see how well it is. I'll probably have to contact the owner to do that though. It looks amazing plus it's Linux.
Quote:Is SkyOS a Linux distribution? Is SkyOS a *nix? Is SkyOS BeOS?
No, no, and no. SkyOS is an operating system written from scratch. It isn’t based on any other operating system.
it's not Linux, lol.
but it looks cool nonetheless.
Huh...Well I've been reading about it on Linux sites saying that it was....Whatever. :3
I still want it.
So is this able to be installed to Windows XP ?
really want this.

if its an original os, it can probably be installed on any computer, regardless of the current os, youll just have the option to boot from this instead of xp when you turn your computer on
lembas Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Is SkyOS a Linux distribution? Is SkyOS a *nix? Is SkyOS BeOS?
No, no, and no. SkyOS is an operating system written from scratch. It isn’t based on any other operating system.
it's not Linux, lol.
but it looks cool nonetheless.
um skyos is linux i have a update file from there site and it was a .tar file .. no other os uses .tar's other than linux , but i can't say for unix never messed with it before
EDIT: skyos uses linux kernal
TAR is just a file format. Has little meaning to the underlying OS.
Most *nix OSes come with a TAR utility though, so hardly surprising.