Endless Paradigm

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what ever happened to them? they had a cfw out during the 340-OE scare, in my opinion it was better than the first m33 cfw (i liked the recovery menu XD), then they just sort of vanished... what happened?
I just had to pop in, couldn't resist... temptation... If

They probably got flamed out of the scene like everyone else who's name is not "DaRk_AleX" and makes a cfw...

And that's a shame.  I like having choices.
they Leak some OE source codes and apps that  was used to make CFW
o well. i guess they did have their 15 minutes in the spotlight...
All wrong.

obSCEne Wrote:Some people have been wondering what had happened to us (no wee are not dead). The whole point of WildC*rd getting together was because none of us wanted to see cfw's disappear forever. The original plan was to continue where Dark_AleX left off so that cfw's will still be available for the psp scene in the future, and that currently still is our plan.

So as long as Dark_AleX is still working on and releasing cfw's wee saw no need to release another. And out of respect for Dark_AleX's work, the psp scene does not need 2 cfw's.

So Team WildC*rd are not dead, if the need arises in the future, wee will still be around to release one if and when the time comes.
Check it out here
thanks fl0w!
And thinking back on it, Wildc*rd reversed OE themselves, then someone 'borrowed' it from their online database and leaked it.  They where good spoon - no thieves   ;)
yeah. i really liked them. huh, well if things keep going like they are, what with no one hearing from dAX since 500, maybe theyll be back. then youll all know which cfw i use XD
DAX is past, get over it.
GEN is the new s**t.
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