Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
nice :)

try not to cover his face though (?)
lol, i love the wording of your post :P
thanks but what do you like about it?
You need to slow down or you're going to burnout. Instead of churning out sig after sig every day, take more time and see what you can do with what you've done. Looking at an art-work after a little break almost always gives one an insight into what is messed up and what need better fixing and what else could be added/removed.

I don't really like this as its unclear what is going on in the sig! Plus, it lacks depth, needs better lighting and possibly a few other tweaks. Honestly, it looks incomplete and half-done.

Also, go easy on the Caps. Its really annoying.
id leave that paint splatter effect out all together. its kind of obnoxious and doesn't add anything. plus, pick a less vibrant background color if you're going to use yellow as the foreground, making the so vibrant is visually distracting, and draws attention away from the subject, and the little niceities you added like the faded bars and the reflection effect.
thanks guys.......
I like it. ^^ I'd give it a 6/10.

The only things I would change is the position of the character,
maybe center him or take him over to the left a tad more since that is your
focus point you want him to be the center of attention.

The splatter/streaks are nice maybe make them flow as if they were happening behind him,
as to not cover him, or give them some transparency.

And the text, there is a lot of text effects you can use you should try some out so its just not text on
the background. Maybe even something as simple as moving the words on top of the slashes.

Do you have the PSD for this? I would love to try somethings out on it. ^___^ Overall pretty good work!
what's a psd  i have a render if that's what you mean....
psphkkr4u15 Wrote:what's a psd  i have a render if that's what you mean....

Words fail me...
Pages: 1 2
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