Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Final Fantasy Dissidia English Demo (All Characters Code)
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thought some of u may find this code useful.. just add to cwcheat database...

_S NPUH-90029
_G Dissidia Demo
_C0 All Characters Unlocked
_L 0x0123F3FC 0x00000002

with this code..you can unlock every character in dissidia
except Shantotto and Gabranth

Demo crashes when you encounter an character and arena witch are not included to "normal" demo
Certain characters crashes the demo if selected,these characters are: Bartz,Exdeath,Ultimecia and Kuja
meh.. I beat it already.. Fair and square...

CLOUD SUCKS!!! But his moves are nice...
yay thanks, i really want to use other characters and check what they sounds like in english, lol
feinicks Wrote:meh.. I beat it already.. Fair and square...

CLOUD SUCKS!!! But his moves are nice...

say, hes a slow hitter, but when he does hit, he hit harrrddd
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