Endless Paradigm

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Baaaasically I wanted to make a new thread to put my shit in :D
I haven't really done much lately so blub blub blub...EmptyoneKnock-knockKnock-knock

Anywaysssssssssss I'll start...
[Newest to oldest]
Title: Battle Royale Entry
Type: Vector
Spoiler for B&W:
[Image: BattleRVectorcopy2.png]
Spoiler for Purple & Orange:
[Image: BattleRVectorcopypurple.png]
Title: Method Sig - Mark II
Type: Vector
[Image: Method2copy.png]
Title: Swirl Doodle
Type: Scanned Drawing
[Image: SwirlScancopy.png]
Title: Rock, Sea and Sky
Type: Photo
[Image: wallpaperr.png]
Title: Graffiti Signatures - Method, Brittany, Mythos & Spatz
Type: Vector PNGs
Spoiler for Method:
[Image: newnew-1.png]
Spoiler for Brittany:
[Image: brittanycopy.png]
Spoiler for Mythos:
[Image: mythos.png]
Spoiler for Spatz:
[Image: spatzcopy.png]
Title: 3D Method Vector Sig
Type: Vectorrrrrrrrr
[Image: methodsig.png]
Title: Swirls Wallpaper
Type: Unfinished wallpaper
[Image: swirlscopy.png]
Title: Vector Swirl Cloud Tattoo Design
Type: Blah blah
Spoiler for B&W:
[Image: design1copy.png]
Spoiler for Coloured:
[Image: swirlthingcopy.png]
Title: Purple Cow
Type: Shuddap already
[Image: purplecow.png]
Spoiler for Dizzee Vector:
[Image: dizzeestage4-1.png]
Random Larger Arts
Spoiler for IntentioArt Banners:
[Image: intentioartbannerv2copy.png]
[Image: intentioartbannercopy.png]

[spoiler=Concept XMB - ORBIT]
[Image: ConceptXMBcopy.png]
[Image: newidea.png]
Never got made :/
[Image: Rara.gif]
Spoiler for Coke:
[Image: coke.png]
Spoiler for Guitar V:
[Image: guitarvcopy.png]
Better viewed in HD/HQ

Title: Imagine
About: This video is about a child's imagination and dreams.
Featuring: My little bro Dan :)
Source: YouTube

Title: The Other Me
About: Don't really know....
Featuring: My other brother....
Source: YouTube

:D Hope you like....

By the way I may make a new DeviantArt....cause I dislike my old name.....

Yeh in a way I copied R!KKU/Rukia watever who cares....
lol, that purple cow is awesome. Hihi

I think it'd be awesome if you could make me one of those awesome name thingys.

cause mine sucked, lol.
very nice work...... would be cool to see some of the sigs from the MehHaker days (only knew the right spelling cause your bio never changed lol)
lol, yeah, awesome cow vector, also love the 3D one Madwin
andrewcc Wrote:very nice work...... would be cool to see some of the sigs from the MehHaker days (only knew the right spelling cause your bio never changed lol)


Nice work method! :D
Mc Cabe Wrote:
andrewcc Wrote:very nice work...... would be cool to see some of the sigs from the MehHaker days (only knew the right spelling cause your bio never changed lol)


Nice work method! :D

shiiiizzzz.... two k's..... thanks mc cabe
Has I gone over the character Limitses???

Couldn't add this to the first post :/ over the character limit me thinks...

Old "MehHakker" era sigs :D
Newest to oldest...I think...
Spoiler for Yoko (2 versoins):
[Image: YOKO2.png]
[Image: YOKOcopy.png]
Spoiler for Grunge fire?:
[Image: grungefirev2copy.png]
Spoiler for Dizzee (probably one of my favourites ever :P):
[Image: dizzeesigcopy.png]
Vectored by me
Spoiler for Sunset Earth:
[Image: SUNSETEARTHcopy.png]
Used my own photo^ :D
Spoiler for Pharrell:
[Image: Pharrellcopy.png]
Not vectored by me
Spoiler for London Summer:
[Image: LondonSummernobordercopy.png]
Again, my own photo^
Spoiler for Tech:
[Image: tech1gif.gif]
Spoiler for Impact:
[Image: IMPACTcopy.png]
Spoiler for Hulk:
[Image: Hulksigcopy.png]
Spoiler for Snowsplosion:
[Image: Snowboardcopy.png]
Spoiler for CHAR!:
[Image: Charcopy.png]
Spoiler for Jet Set Radio:
[Image: graffitisigcopy.png]
Spoiler for S - Sora:
[Image: newnewwtextcopycopycopy.png]
Spoiler for Hayden:
[Image: Untitled-3copy.png]
Spoiler for Nightcrawler:
[Image: Nightcrawlercopy.png]
Old "MehHakker" era sigs - Part II
Spoiler for Halo Sword:
[Image: weaponcopy.png]
Spoiler for Arcanine:
[Image: arcaninecopy.png]
Spoiler for Graduation:
[Image: Graduationcopy.png]
Spoiler for Gorillaz:
[Image: Gorillazsigcopy-1.png]
Spoiler for DiddyK:
[Image: DiddykSotwcopy-1.png]
Spoiler for Ed:
[Image: edbrightcopy-2.png]
Spoiler for Fullmetal:
[Image: fullmetal01copycopy.png]
Spoiler for Vincent:
[Image: vincentsigcopy.png]
Spoiler for Masterchief:
[Image: masterchiefhalosigcopysmall.png]
All sigs that I made before this are pretty awful......
Omgz you are a-mazing. I love your work. Seeing work that good makes me want to
toss in the key. Hahaha, don't ever stop making your art, you only get better and better.

Hehe thanks :)

I just realized I probably should've reserved some posts......woops :P

Updated first post

Be sure to watch the videos :)
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