03/08/2009, 08:00 PM
Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5
by L04d1ng
What is this?
This plugin automatically sorts the homebrews, which are displayed in XMB, according to their frequency of execution.
How do I Install/use this?
Copy "homebrewsort.prx" to "ms0:/seplugins/" and append the following line to "vsh.txt":
"ms0:/seplugins/homebrewsort.prx 1" (without "")
Comments and other stuff:
This plugin only affects homebrew by now, but not *.iso files or PSX-games, even though both things are planed for a next version.
If anybody discovers a bug or has any improvement suggestions for me might sent them to my email-address (you can find it at the bottom of this file).
Acknowledgments and greetings:
Thank you to the guys at http://www.lan.st for helping me with some stuff.
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Download Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5
by L04d1ng
What is this?
This plugin automatically sorts the homebrews, which are displayed in XMB, according to their frequency of execution.
How do I Install/use this?
Copy "homebrewsort.prx" to "ms0:/seplugins/" and append the following line to "vsh.txt":
"ms0:/seplugins/homebrewsort.prx 1" (without "")
Comments and other stuff:
This plugin only affects homebrew by now, but not *.iso files or PSX-games, even though both things are planed for a next version.
If anybody discovers a bug or has any improvement suggestions for me might sent them to my email-address (you can find it at the bottom of this file).
Acknowledgments and greetings:
Thank you to the guys at http://www.lan.st for helping me with some stuff.
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Download Homebrew Sorter Plugin v0.5