Endless Paradigm

Full Version: (Release) Splash 5.00m33
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[Image: SplashTemplate.png]

Another theme made by me and TeRm14
he did most of the work I just put it together, I did find the bootsound :)

Credit goes to everyone who contributed
Thanks to everyone keeping the scene alive

Wallpapers Included

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mnrmzjxqj2j
hmm i lost count... is this the 5th site?....lol

i hope everyone likes it :D
i like it! but wants a 550gen version! ;p

main icons Madwin
TeRm14 Wrote:hmm i lost count... is this the 5th site?....lol

i hope everyone likes it :D

Only 5?  I used to post to 5 foreign language sites per release :P  french, german, spanish, chinese, japanese and I only speak english...now im lazy and let them find it themselves :P

downloading now, can't wait to see it :)
haha yah pretty much... i would post on other sites...

just too lazy...

it'll get leached on other sites soon anyway haha
Nice theme, my fav by you !!  Thanks for sharing...
You have 7 days to post a 5.50 GEN version, otherwsie you'll get raped.
brady4mvp Wrote:You have 7 days to post a 5.50 GEN version, otherwsie you'll get raped.

LOL I'll think about it ;)
TeRm14 Wrote:
brady4mvp Wrote:You have 7 days to post a 5.50 GEN version, otherwsie you'll get raped.

LOL I'll think about it ;)
Think about it? seems to me like someone is actually looking forward to it? Hihi
looks nice. :D

also, M33 for the win.
Pages: 1 2
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