ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:You probably need to set a width and height for the image. It's being set as a background so the element itself isn't sized to that.
I tried messing with that & added it to the hover image & both try's seem to have no change to it.
I changed the CSS code
width: ##px;
height: ##px;
to the image's dimensions & I tried adding that wxh dimensions under "a.backandforward:hover {"
neither had any effect change...
Well I am going to bump/double post here because I figured out what I was doing wrong. I appreciate everyone's effort to help me it is appreciated!!!
If your curious what I did wrong was to call out the javascript code in the headinclude template. So I added:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.images)
image7on = new Image();
image7on.src = "styles/windows_vista/layout/back.png";
image7off = new Image();
image7off.src = "styles/windows_vista/layout/back_over.png";
image8on = new Image();
image8on.src = "styles/windows_vista/layout/forward.png";
image8off = new Image();
image8off.src = "styles/windows_vista/layout/forward_over.png";
function changeImages()
if (document.images)
for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2)
document[changeImages.arguments[i]].src = eval(changeImages.arguments[i+1] + ".src");
& then to my header template I added:
Spoiler for Long Code:
<a style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="history.go(-1)" onmouseover="changeImages('image7', 'image7off')" onmouseout="changeImages('image7', 'image7on')"><img title="Go Back" src="/styles/windows_vista/layout/back.png" name="image7" alt="Go Back" border="0"></a>
<a href="javascript:history.go(1)" onmouseover="changeImages('image8', 'image8off')" onmouseout="changeImages('image8', 'image8on')"><img title="Go Forward" src="/styles/windows_vista/layout/forward.png" name="image8" alt="Go Forward" border="0"></a>
& now all works perfectly!!!
Thanks again for everyones help, I didn't either realize how many diff comp languages do the same action (or close to) ;)
lol, jquery is a javascript framework, and css works well with javascript, i don't think there's any other way
Glad you got it working