Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Booty Shot in HDR
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hhahahaa...that's Pirate booty stashed in a tree ... ninjas must have taken the good stuff cause there's 2 dead pirates and just a big donkey egg or something wierd...shot at the renasaince fair and merged to HDR ... thought it was neat cause I have been there a dozen times and never saw it before.

love the colors :D
You got me interested there... But yeah, nice pic. You seem to like this high dynamic range photography malarkey don't you...
Haha that looks awesome!!! :D
looks quite trippy.....
woah my laptop lcd SUCKS...this looks freakin crazy on my desktop monitor!!  

im starting to think that laptop isn't the best thing to use for photomanipulations...

yeah HDR has been a fascination since I released SchiDeLoaDeR theme way back in march 2008 when i found that HDR picture of the graffitti on the train.

for those who don't remember...
[Image: 2237739326_d35c2d53a3.jpg]
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