...And PS CS3 doesn't recover images....So everytime I try and open my latest drawing it complains its not a valid PSD file. I want to know whether I can rescue the file. Please help, I have a Png version of the file, but I don't want to have to work with that because all the layers have been flattend. Please help.
Thanks for the idea but I'm pretty sure If it were a photoshop problem, Irfan view wouldn't have a problem opening the image. Irfan view says that the headers are corrupt, yet when I open the file in notepad, its a huge file of.....nothingness??
Aww...I decided to use the png file.....why doesn't CS3 have a reocvery service?
because corruption is generally irrecoverable unless it saves an emergency backup on realising it was crashing.
Razgriz375 Wrote:Aww...I decided to use the png file.....why doesn't CS3 have a reocvery service?
and autosave....
Neither does CS4... I lost good PS work because something happened to my Hdd and all the PSDs got corrupted... 'twas a sad day/