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Full Version: help with playstation store
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Hello, apparently I'm new to this community, and i will be happy to be a part of it
this is a very nice forum

I hope that i posted in the right section. if not please move where it fits better.

I have a problem with playstation store since i buy the psp, since 4.01 or 4.90 cfw
Now i have 5.50 GEN-B cfw

I create an account from psp and i choose Romania as country, and i can't enter on psn because the service its not "avaible in your country or region"

I create another account from pc because from psp i can't and i choose Hong Kong as the country list but i can't login because i get this message on my psp:
"you cannot sign in using another user's sign-in ID (e-mail address)"

i have to mention that when i put the new id/mail on "Sign-In (E-mail Address)" tab and i put the new password after i press start when i finish to text the pass, in the pass tab i have the old pass from the first acc. that's why i can't connect

please help me because I'm mad about that problem since the 4.90 cfw. i want to use the playstation store. i want to enjoy the psp at maximum capacity Sadist
load into recovery mode, and select format flash1

This should cause a mini-crash on your PSP, before allowing you to reset all personal data. Following this, you shouldn't have a PSN account linked to the PSP, so enter the details for your hong kong one, which should now work ok

Also, Welcome!
thanks a lot
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