Endless Paradigm

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Who want dem Professional and Battle forums back?
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:Professional




pro is back  u dig
Needz the loli forums back.
Sparker Wrote:Needz the loli forums back.

dem loli forums wee need backs desu
I should make/get a scirpt that'll place desu before (or after) every period/question makr/exclaimation mark automatically for me desu.
Sparker Wrote:I should make/get a scirpt that'll place desu before (or after) every period/question makr/exclaimation mark automatically for me desu.

Lol! Omg... If you can find one... Send it my way desu! Aha
Brittany Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:I should make/get a scirpt that'll place desu before (or after) every period/question makr/exclaimation mark automatically for me desu.

Lol! Omg... If you can find one... Send it my way desu! Aha

or you could just desu............ desuu~
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Javascript Code
javascript:function dt(n){for(;n!=null;n=n.nextSibling){switch(n.nodeType){case 3:if(n.nodeValue.length>1)n.nodeValue=n.nodeValue.replace(/(\w)([\.;,:)\?!]([ .:;]|$)|$)/g,"$1, desu$2");continue;case 1:m=n.nodeName;if(m=='STYLE'||m=='SCRIPT'||m=='IFRAME')continue;break;case 9:case 11:break;default:continue;}dt(n.firstChild);}}dt(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]);void(0);

Amesome script desu!
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