Give me pigs, money, credit card, your censored, everything :(
Why do you deserve my E-Piggies?
brady4mvp Wrote:Give me pigs, money, credit card, your censored, everything :(
no u
feinicks Wrote:sure...
pigs: [im][/im]
ewww not cool
and didn't the user name option get taken away?
I can give you negative Rep!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
I heard this site has an admin that will change usernames for users that regularly use EP.
That maybe a rumour though
YoYoBallz Wrote:I heard this site has an admin that will change usernames for users that regularly use EP.
That maybe a rumour though
I heard that a dude called zllab Oyoy does that
also some marketting exec from KFC can do that..
I dunno
i remember a while back i tried to save my e-piggies to change my name
then the day i did, i used it
but nothing happend =/
The vending machine ate my e-pigs