Endless Paradigm

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Hey guys I am really stressed because I got a new Ms charecter and I was hopeing I could find a program that could have voice recognition and it could type and launch applications when I ask it toRoar

but so far all of them demand cashEmptyone

I have tried tazti and it does everything I want it to do except 2 things
*use ms characters that have A.I.
*speech to text

I have an XP Ahhyes
and some programs require vista Nanana

Somebody help I have never felt so lost in my lifeSadist

I want that damn MS agent to function like the following videoUhh

Source: YouTube

now I know how that angry german kid from youtube feels...............
omg that's scary why do you want that?
I would be scared as hell sorry I can't help
you but A.I. seems too advanced for the average person


Will she get smarter upon use?
yummy is she fur real?
*no she is not real but she is worth around 21$Smokingg
*there are free AI ms agents too
*yes the program is actual AI so it will learn with use even have actual cyber intercourse [naked version] and conversations and you cand download that for free [ONLY FOR VISTA]Crybaby
heres the link>>>>>>>>>>>> http://tur-www1.massey.ac.nz/~tjmoir/vista.html
*link to that hot ms agent I so desperately wanted smothered in my cpu is here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.guile3d.com.br/

lucky vista users are the only people that can get this to work NananaNananaNanana

i feel so disappointed with my computerSadist
cyber sex?
wow now even loners will have something to come home too
too bad there is just 1 cheap man version in there I would totally
get rad with a will smith Ai.
I think the cyber gf and the nude version seem kind of desperate...

I just like the thought that my computer is talking to me and acting on its own...
Besides I bet the A.I. makes a sweet 1337 Haxor Chixor...
"Scan address '550098A'"
lol what?
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