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Anyone want one? I just made myself a new one (Firefox Rules)
I personally, don't even customise my sig + avy. But I do have a question. How do you get the diagonal lines that wide apart from each other in photoshop.
I can only manage to get the lines like 1px apart from each other using the pattern tool. I want them further apart. =)
You can make a new doc in PS, make it as wide as you want, squared (like this one was 6x6 pixels). then zoom in to 1500% or something and use the pencil tool to make a diagonal black line on the transparent background. then go to Edit » Define pattern and give it a name, now you can use your own pattern.
Ge64 Wrote:You can make a new doc in PS, make it as wide as you want, squared (like this one was 6x6 pixels). then zoom in to 1500% or something and use the pencil tool to make a diagonal black line on the transparent background. then go to Edit » Define pattern and give it a name, now you can use your own pattern.

I tried something simular to that. But I remember ending up with the same 1px apart lines. :rolleyes:
I'll try it again sometime soon, I guess.
I made 2 new userbars

[Image: 1337.gif]
[Image: haxd-psp-pwnr.gif]
Can u make one for me.

Just change the text on PSP one to say "Admin PSP MaX Forums"

Thanks :)
Np, here itis :)

i added 3 static ones too if the other is too big.

moving one

statics, sorted from large filesize to small filesize
Thanks Ge64 :cheesygrin:

I like the moving ones

Can u change the text to "Join PSP MaX Forum"

Thanks :mrgreen:
np, here you go


Thank u very much Ge :)

that was quick :)
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