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What is a sPa/\/\ hole?
the thing wee just got sucked into
Spamhole= Threads
i do believe it's the hole in which sPa/\/\ is created, they then use a digger to scoop it out and put it in tins to be sold at supermarkets.

my source for this information can be found here
so wenever i make a thread my sPa/\/\ hole goes up?
I thot it meant i was being a total butt to evryone :/
making a new pointless thread does = being a total butt to everyone
 i keed i keed
Spamhole is a disposable e-mail address service that allows internet users to avoid email address submission on the Internet. It provides a way to keep one's true email address hidden by creating a temporary one from which email is relayed to the true user's email, usually in order to avoid sPa/\/\.

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Pages: 1 2
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