Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Online Surveys
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Anyone ever done them and actually got the reward promised?
like some of them promise PS3s and Xbox360s and top of the line computers...

so have you ever taken one and got the reward?
I almost never do these quiz things in these banner and popup ads, if they're what you're referring to. At least not seriously with the purpose of aiming for the reward.

The only reason why I sometimes click the "answer the question to get a free PS3" is to feed money to the site I'm on, for some of the sites I like.
i only ever do surveys if im asked to by someone i know

or when im really bored and i get one in my mail

and i never did get anything out of them
Yeah like Assassinator said, I only do them to shoot things in the banners, i never do the surveys as i like my email address to stay sPa/\/\ free, but i shoot the things in the banner to feed money to the site (mainly this one)
I chose that 3rd option.
I'm a suspicious bastard. I never click on any sort of online survey that promises the phattest lewt.

Oh look! I'm the 1,000,000th visitor to a site! I'm going to claim my pri-

A friend of mine got a 360 and Halo3 (a day before it was released)
And my cousin got Little Big Planet
you just got to keep track of the offers and spoon and cancel any trials so you don't end up paying spoon
anyway I've never finished any of this survey things (I'm too lazy)
I think I did one in my primary school before obviously because I could care less what happens to there computers and when I submitted my answers there was an error.
Okay, I've actually done them.  Rarely, but have done them for the hell of it at times.  Sometimes have just filled in junk, but other times, have been more truthful.  I really dunno why I bother though >_>

As for emails, typically temporary email addresses.
Thus have never really received anything.
maybe secretly u hope to win something?
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