Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [WIP][550gen] V1Gentix
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Still WIP but 95% complete now!

i still want to try and find some offsets i need,..
already working on this theme for 3 weeks now,.! but glad its almost ready!

about the theme:
Its an "update/revamp/upgrade" of Gentix theme wich was first made by Vibestar and later updated with new icons by Reinsch and then updated by Blessedhands for 4.01.
I started making a complete new theme untill i got the idee to use the gentix icons because they would be perfect and also they are loved by peoples! ;p
I have added 11 new topmenu_icon icons!

any/every small donation welcome!
[Image: f_Paypalm_09ab8a1.png]

V1Gentix is complete custom theme! with new thingy's and new offsets never used before in any theme! ;0

  • All 8 main icons! with all glow subicons!(made 11 new main icons) and a 400x226 01-12 with posibility of 30 background picture's!
  • Second V1Gentix version with revamped main icons and colored main icon shadows!
  • Full screen infobars, fullscreen theme menu!
  • Full animated sub menu's for system, photo, music and video with new
    offsets for a y sized "line" and new position and scale for playing icon! :)
  • Full screen hold
  • upgraded busy icon with longer fade time and background shadow
  • New music-player menu!
  • Full screen video info screens
  • New default icons and loading icons
  • Custom OSK
  • New custom opening screen
  • New USB screen!
  • Control panels for camera, phto, music, video and UMD
  • volumebar with equalizer and avls in 1 bar
  • Gentix click sounds
  • Sysconfig_about slideshow with all credits! (i hope!)
    -Alot more! really tried to make the best theme i evar made!
    (Reason i made this thread,. because i need the link for this theme,. ;p)

    screenshots are little light!
    Spoiler for here is some spoilers:
    [Image: 2eem0q9.jpg]

    [Image: 2lkvfqf.jpg]
    original gentix390 background :)
    [Image: 1zoucqp.jpg]

    [Image: dheeep.jpg]
    [Image: ixdqva.jpg]
    [Image: la9w9.jpg]

    [Image: 28mcynp.jpg]
    This theme is themeable! i be making a FFXIIIlightning & FFXIIIversus version too!

    i can/might/maybe also make requested 01-12 but this will/could require a small donation!
  • Wow what you was up to i see now. This thing lookes good.
    I love maximal themes well its not so much over the display but its big enough.
    I hope you realease soon. Keep it up.
    gsmoke Wrote:Wow what you was up to i see now. This thing lookes good.
    I love maximal themes well its not so much over the display but its big enough.
    I hope you realease soon. Keep it up.

    Thanks man! still got to fix some stuff and add some thigy's Hihi

    And i can nevar amke the update<>reboot switch ok the first try,. ;p o well its fixxed now,. Hihi

    Posted all offsets i found in the 550 bookmark thread!!

    There is no offsets for the wave/font/infobar colors yet,. :(
    Wow , they must be there , lately im out of touch completely but you know better than me that they must be there , search them manually.
    And i saw you are making this for 550 , dang what a shame .... hehehh , i might update to see your theme when its out.
    you man that is looking TIGHT!!!

    did you get visualizer images to work by changing the red yellow blue images in the the visualizer.rco??  i can't every time i change it the psp crashes :(

    also..if you triangle on a game and click Internet Search does your psp crash??  Mine does on my theme :(
    SchmilK Wrote:you man that is looking TIGHT!!!

    did you get visualizer images to work by changing the red yellow blue images in the the visualizer.rco??  i can't every time i change it the psp crashes :(

    also..if you triangle on a game and click Internet Search does your psp crash??  Mine does on my theme :(

    i can't change dots for visualizer either, just a black screen but its not crashing
    will u be making this for CFW 5.00 M33?
    looking so nice V1...looking forward to the release!
    abiriv Wrote:will u be making this for CFW 5.00 M33?

    Yes V1 respect us 500 users.
    Looks awesome, can't wait till it comes out. Might have to upgrade just to see what it's like, since it's for 5.50.
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