cboushell Wrote:kenzodragon Wrote:i don't understand why they put "(Full)" into version text...
but the firmware works great, don't think dark_alex will be back for a while, nothing heard about him since april (?)
And what was heard from him in April??? Anything other than that no 5.50M33 will be released, which may have been stated in another month. I'm hoping he's holding back something BIG for when the PSPGO is released. It would be nice if D_A had an inside connection so he could blow open the PSPGO!!
any statements from dark_alex himself? not alek
haven't found anything on darkalex.org forums
cboushell Wrote:i don't understand why they put "(Full)" into version text...
but the firmware works great, don't think dark_alex will be back for a while, nothing heard about him since april (?)
And what was heard from him in April??? Anything other than that no 5.50M33 will be released, which may have been stated in another month. I'm hoping he's holding back something BIG for when the PSPGO is released. It would be nice if D_A had an inside connection so he could blow open the PSPGO!!
full is because they talk of a non iso versino that only allows for homebrew to be played..similar to 5.03hen
As for d_a and the psp_go...I am pretty sure he still has unshared exploits that may or may not be still usable ... that was one thing about him working alone...no one would get excited and blurt out something before it was fully utilized so sony could patch it before the final product was ready.
On PSP-100X 5.50GEN-B does not work Recovery Flasher v1.6
Only Pandora))) or
systemctrl.prx in flash0:/kd/