02/07/2009, 05:44 AM
05/07/2009, 04:08 PM
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:This looks good.
But I will never update from M33 until GEN gets LEDA and game_catagories plugin...
game_catagories plugin?
05/07/2009, 04:12 PM
Grey Ghost Wrote:Mr. Shizzy Wrote:This looks good.
But I will never update from M33 until GEN gets LEDA and game_catagories plugin...
game_catagories plugin?
05/07/2009, 10:52 PM
is there any updates regarding game categorization plugin for 5.50gen? if there is, i might upgrade in this cfw, lol
06/07/2009, 03:48 AM
@ krystabegnalie:
It all depends on Bubbletune..
It all depends on Bubbletune..
06/07/2009, 06:04 AM
it's not recommend to upgrade to -B... my favorite NeoGeo emulator MVSPSP won't work due to SystemButtons.prx can't be loaded on -B.... and works fine on -A
06/07/2009, 06:51 AM
i don't understand why they put "(Full)" into version text...
but the firmware works great, don't think dark_alex will be back for a while, nothing heard about him since april (?)
but the firmware works great, don't think dark_alex will be back for a while, nothing heard about him since april (?)
06/07/2009, 08:10 AM
matchung Wrote:it's not recommend to upgrade to -B... my favorite NeoGeo emulator MVSPSP won't work due to SystemButtons.prx can't be loaded on -B.... and works fine on -A
-B got VSHrecovery menu! for testing offsets!!
06/07/2009, 02:04 PM
And what did you hear from him in April?
06/07/2009, 02:09 PM
kenzodragon Wrote:i don't understand why they put "(Full)" into version text...
but the firmware works great, don't think dark_alex will be back for a while, nothing heard about him since april (?)
And what was heard from him in April??? Anything other than that no 5.50M33 will be released, which may have been stated in another month. I'm hoping he's holding back something BIG for when the PSPGO is released. It would be nice if D_A had an inside connection so he could blow open the PSPGO!!