Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My computer upgrade
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Allright so I have little money and big plans, so I need to make a list.

  1. New 20" widescreen TFT
  2. New mouse and keyboard
  3. Extra harddrive (requires next item)
  4. New motherboard (more sata2) (requires next item)
  5. New graphics card (requires next item)
  6. New memory (requires next item)
  7. New processor (requires next item)
  8. New CPU cooler
  9. New case

So, if I want to add another harddrive, which is going to be reaaly necessary soon..... i need to upgrade everything. And I don't have that money. Thank you very much @ new sockets and standards (PCI-e, S775, DDR2)

So to reduce the costs, I want may want to live with onboard graphics, or maybe even PCI graphics for a while as im not playing games lately. I will still need a new processor and memory though, and a new CPU cooler, and I rlyrly want a new case. So it may be better to sell my complete PC as is, but i still won't have enough money

time to eat, more thoughts later
I have revived an old thread
w00t my thread!
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