Endless Paradigm

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Well.. recent activities make me wonder about a very simple topic. Its a rather no-brainer, however, its worth a discussion. the thread title says it all.

Do Internet based relationships (of friendship, brotherhood, or to a more greater form of the Relationships) really mean a thing? I have seen (amd met) people who would fit in all the mentioned categories.
From couples who met on the net to those who laugh at the mere thought or mention of it. Some are scared of it, some humor it some disregard it.
Personally, I'm as indifferent to net based "relatioships"as I in real life.

What about you guys?

By the way, "meh"is for those who just want to have fun... regardless..

as for recent event,... u need even ask?
Meh.....i guess i wouldn't mind if it was a hot chick...butt...i'd rather know them in person. But all those dating sites and stuff....I personaly steer clear of because it's just a hive for bots....and there are so many fakes on the tinternetz. i terms of relatives.....tinternetz is good especially with skype and msn both supporting vebcams, means that long distance comms aren't difficult. but muh...im waffling whilst eating waffles
i used to have 2 guys played some MMO with me, wee were as close as brothers, until one get married and get in life trouble, and one, well, i don't know, wee just stop talking for some reason =/.
but i must say, they were really really close.
as for pixel love, for an experienced one, i must say, they are stupid.

oh, and internet friends, i have a alot, and wee talked everyday about everything, but all of em stop tlaking to me after 2-5 months, not because of anything,... wee just ... stopped.
Mythos Wrote:meh..
I met my girlfriend on the net, and wee've been together for three years.
The two do not compute.
It is widely known that there are no women in the internets, only men.
Thus, I do not use the Intertnets for meaningful relationships.
err... internet is one of the things id use to connect to pplz ..

people that ive actually met . idk if that applies here though :p
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