Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Coming Soon] Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B
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[Coming Soon] CFW 5.50 GEN-B

[Image: 550genb1003224050589247.png]

Release Date: On or Before July 1, 2009

Any word on new features ?
any specs about the update?other then the vshmenu>? (i posted a bug,. ;p)

Does anyone know if ultimate vshmenu is updated to 550>?

EDIT: i like these coming soon topics!! Hihi
Is LEDA going to be compatible?

* Crosses fingers...
i enjoy the make pandora feature in vshmenu
* demonchild wants VSH Recovery Menu back.
me wants ... um... I don't know... ummm....
* gsmoke wants DAX to make his magic , he don't trust GENs. Till then he is waiting patiently with his 5000 M33
DAMN, I've corrupted my battery to make pandora, so menu "make normal" can't get to use, now i must turn psp via charger and then plug in my battery and switch off the charger
hope that 5.50gen can run ds games now, lol

i don't like the idea to make pandora battery in the vsh menu
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