28/06/2009, 07:00 AM
![[Image: organconceptwhite.jpg]](http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/7426/organconceptwhite.jpg)
Greetings to:
Dark_AleX for OE and M33 custom firmware
Miriam for GEN firmware
GENyUS for bringing us GEN firmware to PSP-3000
Davee&Team Typhoon for ChickHEN
Davee&Bubbletune for Descrambler
Madsoul for making this concept
ZingaBurga for RCO Editor
SchmilK, Vegetano1 and so on for bookmarks
Ibawanzingee for supporting me :3
Sony for bringing us more crappy stuff that wee have to hack on our own
All theme developers keep the scene alive
*for lazy searchers and conplaining guys
that's not just "a mix of organ and cloak"
this theme existed before cloak was ever made
the concept was made by madsoul long ago but he didn't release it like this (that's why i decided to make it on my own)
so to speak it was the first organ theme [concept] created by madsoul
just go and search for the concept madsoul made, you can find it on qj.net forums
Concept by Madsoul on QJ.net
Organ Concept Beta 0.7 for 3.90 on QJ.net
Organ Concept for 4.01 on QJ.net
if you want to donate
![[Image: btn_donate_SM.gif]](https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)