Endless Paradigm

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I've noticed in the past the some themes are able to change color for each main menu selection. There are now some reappearing. I would like to know how to do this kind of effect. Is there any one willing to assist me in just telling me which file it is I need to edit or point me in some direction.
There used to be an offset before that made this possible. But it's not in 5.00 anymore, the only way It's possible now is to add them to the main icons gim's in the topmenu_icon, then change their size. But I'd proabably wait till vegetano comes here, because If I remember right he was the one who figured out how to do it.
I actaully have a 5.00m33 theme that does this. Its called the FFXIII Versus Black. What the FFXIII theme done was have the actual waves change colour for every selection of a topmenu icon. I know its possible. Just need to find out how.
WoobiE Wrote:I actaully have a 5.00m33 theme that does this. Its called the FFXIII Versus Black. What the FFXIII theme done was have the actual waves change colour for every selection of a topmenu icon. I know its possible. Just need to find out how.

exactly, Vegetano made that theme. But the waves don't change color it's the shadow of the main icon. you put an image with a color in the place of the icon of the main icon shadow. Then you have to stretch it to fit the whole screen.
Oh I see. So its the shadows. I thought it was the actual waves that change colour.
That's a lot of help man. Thanks.
Check the topmenu_icon there are the color images!,. they are very small shadow icons,. wich i replace and resize in VSHMAIN.prx but i still have to update those offsets,.. still to busy with other thingy's in new theme,.
Do you know what the shadow size offset is for the main icons? My bookmarks don't seem to have them.
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