Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Final Release - iPhone 4G 5.00m33
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Final Version of this project
called iPhone 4G because the 4G just came out!
[Image: 2dmj9d.png]
same credits I have given the last time
thanks to everyone who supported this project
The changes are depicted above :)
regards, Red X aka Clispe
Yay , gonna try this , thanks for your hard work.

Edit : Really strange feeling theme.
wow, looking 4 a 550 ver
tooooo laaaaaazy
to make a 5.5! sorry man :(
hmmm. how do you slide it open? lol
Thanks clispe
i can't get used to it... :(
IDOn't have a iPhone 4G but this theme looks very good!

550gen release soon>? Emptyone
He is 2 lazy for 550
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