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PC = Personal Confuser....

I thought it would be fun to get rid of one of the 2 linux installs i had on my laptop yesterday and try new windows 7...

dumy me formmatted the GOOD linux insatll drive after trying a dozen different sata378 drivers which didn't want to see my drives :(  then windows 7 wouldnt install  because it couldn't find a compatable system disk to install to...

then i formatted the other one too in hopes i could install to that one more successfully...still couldn't install..then i removed one of them and only had 1 drive..still wouldnt install...then i raided them in raid0..installed but errored after initial reboot saying it couldnt find the install media..which was in the same freakin cd drive it started in...

then i installed vista and woowoo..i got windows again...but can't upgrade to 7 wihtout sp2...and i can't install sp2 without installing sp1..

double you tee eff MICROSOFT!!!!


I sure hope windows 7 is worth it cause im now installing vista sp1 so i can install vista sp2 then upgrade to windows 7...hopefully...maybe i should copy the dvd to the harddrive and upgrade from there :O
poor schmilk hope it all goes good even if SPs take ages
lol XD
SchmilK Wrote:I sure hope windows 7 is worth it cause im now installing vista sp1 so i can install vista sp2 then upgrade to windows 7...hopefully...maybe i should copy the dvd to the harddrive and upgrade from there :O

You should make a clean win7 instal,. updating from vista is not a good idee!

Vegetano1 Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:I sure hope windows 7 is worth it cause im now installing vista sp1 so i can install vista sp2 then upgrade to windows 7...hopefully...maybe i should copy the dvd to the harddrive and upgrade from there :O

You should make a clean win7 instal,. updating from vista is not a good idee!


He tried clean install but it wouldnt work
Mickey Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:I sure hope windows 7 is worth it cause im now installing vista sp1 so i can install vista sp2 then upgrade to windows 7...hopefully...maybe i should copy the dvd to the harddrive and upgrade from there :O

You should make a clean win7 instal,. updating from vista is not a good idee!


He tried clean install but it wouldnt work

vista clean install yes,.. win7 clean install no,. >!?Hmmm
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Mickey Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:I sure hope windows 7 is worth it cause im now installing vista sp1 so i can install vista sp2 then upgrade to windows 7...hopefully...maybe i should copy the dvd to the harddrive and upgrade from there :O

You should make a clean win7 instal,. updating from vista is not a good idee!


He tried clean install but it wouldnt work

vista clean install yes,.. win7 clean install no,. >!?Hmmm

Quote:dumy me formmatted the GOOD linux insatll drive after trying a dozen different sata378 drivers which didn't want to see my drives :(  then windows 7 wouldnt install  because it couldn't find a compatable system disk to install to...

then i formatted the other one too in hopes i could install to that one more successfully...still couldn't install..then i removed one of them and only had 1 drive..still wouldnt install...then i raided them in raid0..installed but errored after initial reboot saying it couldnt find the install media..which was in the same freakin cd drive it started in...
Mickey Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Mickey Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:I sure hope windows 7 is worth it cause im now installing vista sp1 so i can install vista sp2 then upgrade to windows 7...hopefully...maybe i should copy the dvd to the harddrive and upgrade from there :O

You should make a clean win7 instal,. updating from vista is not a good idee!


He tried clean install but it wouldnt work

vista clean install yes,.. win7 clean install no,. >!?Hmmm

Quote:dumy me formmatted the GOOD linux insatll drive after trying a dozen different sata378 drivers which didn't want to see my drives :(  then windows 7 wouldnt install  because it couldn't find a compatable system disk to install to...

then i formatted the other one too in hopes i could install to that one more successfully...still couldn't install..then i removed one of them and only had 1 drive..still wouldnt install...then i raided them in raid0..installed but errored after initial reboot saying it couldnt find the install media..which was in the same freakin cd drive it started in...

so whots your point quoting>?

if you got bootdvd'd of both OS's,. and vista installs fine then win7 should install fine too,.. i don't see why vista does install and win7 does't,..
i think my win7 disk must be bad..i copied the files to c:\win7 and ran setup from there and again upon reboot it failed saying the source files could not be found :( At least there is a rollback function :)  Now I'm downloading the iso straight from mickeysoft...got 45% left to download.

On the plus side...my sackboy now has bendable appendages so I can make him wave, or do the wave, and even stand up on his own!  :D  
Pictured below he is trying to figure out why he can't install an iPod harddrive into a pc.  Silly sackboy...
[Image: img0219z.jpg]

notice the bend in the arms...did that wiht some cleverly inserted paperclips :P  Put one big long around going in one foot, through the inside of the butt and into the other and left the excess hang out the back so i can use it to prop him up :D  Ooh he's so happy look at that great big smile :)
Mm...Poor Schmilky.

(I like your Sack Boy collection....)

About the source files, burm the ISO to a good DVD and install it. I'm running the RC along with Ubuntu 9.04.
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