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Party over heeeeere
SchmilK Wrote:i think my win7 disk must be bad..i copied the files to c:\win7 and ran setup from there and again upon reboot it failed saying the source files could not be found :( At least there is a rollback function :)  Now I'm downloading the iso straight from mickeysoft...got 45% left to download.

On the plus side...my sackboy now has bendable appendages so I can make him wave, or do the wave, and even stand up on his own!  :D  
Pictured below he is trying to figure out why he can't install an iPod harddrive into a pc.  Silly sackboy...
[Image: img0219z.jpg]

notice the bend in the arms...did that wiht some cleverly inserted paperclips :P  Put one big long around going in one foot, through the inside of the butt and into the other and left the excess hang out the back so i can use it to prop him up :D  Ooh he's so happy look at that great big smile :)

Probably solved by now but:

Why would you want to upgrade from Vista (clean install) to Win7? If u have installed Vista, then installing 7 on the same drive(Clean install) shouldn't have a problem...

Regarding the missing files thing, it means ur copy of Win 7 is bad... I wasted 7 dvds and numerous USB drive attempts before accepting that the ISO may have been bad... Pain as I had already formatted the drive. So it was back to installing vista, thenre-downloading 7 and then reinstalling 7...
feinicks Wrote:So it was back to installing vista, thenre-downloading 7 and then reinstalling 7...

that's why...and i couldnt get any sata378 drivers to function with win7 so i wanted to see if i can get this to work on vista and it too wouldnt do sata378 so i had to make the controller run in raid mode thenthe fasstrack378 drivers wouldnt work in 7 but did in vista so i started there..

all in all most of my problem was a bad iso :(  and a real old raid controller in my laptop that only has xp drivers :(  but they worked sort of :D

got the one from microsoft and it installed (an upgrade of clean vista) beautifully :)  and now its time to go home LOL  at least now I'll hav a computer to use when i come in on monday
W7 is, apparently, worth it. But it's temporary, and will lock down at a certain date (which I can't remember).
Be careful.Yellowcard
Mr. Spot Wrote:W7 is, apparently, worth it. But it's temporary, and will lock down at a certain date (which I can't remember).
Be careful.Yellowcard

2010 i believe :p
also there are hacks to remove the time limit
id rather just wait for it to be officially released :p
Ahh man i Have that prob too, but i didn't format any harddrive , but I'm waiting 2 buy a new one, i don't like idea having Win and Linux on One Hard Drive.
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